Meet our Laureates

Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments.  Pioneers in their field, they are role models of excellence in health in Canada and the world.
Brain & Mind
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    G. Brock Chisholm, MD

    Brain & Mind, Global Health, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Leadership in Organizational Development

    Dr. G. Brock Chisholm, who began his medical career as a physician in private practice, effectively became “Doctor to the World.”

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    T. Jock Murray, MD

    Brain & Mind, Brain & Mind, Health & Humanities, Health and Medical Education & Training, Leadership in Organizational Development

    Accomplished clinician, academic and leader, Dr. Jock Murray has profoundly impacted the field of multiple sclerosis and advanced the inclusion of…

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    Antoine Hakim, MD PhD

    Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development

    Through his work at the University of Ottawa’s Neuroscience Research Institute and his creation of the Canadian Stroke Network, Dr. Hakim…

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    Ronald Melzack, PhD

    Brain & Mind, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials

    Dr. Ronald Melzack revolutionized the study and treatment of pain. His pioneering theories in pain mechanisms and pain control spanning over a…

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    William Feindel, MDCM PhD

    Brain & Mind

    Dr. William Feindel was a pioneering neurosurgeon and innovator in brain imagining. His efforts led to Canadian researchers’ early use of PET, CAT…

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    Donald O. Hebb, PhD

    Brain & Mind, Brain & Mind

    Born in Chester, Nova Scotia, Dr. Donald Hebb went on to career as a world-renowned scientist and was responsible for the advancement of…

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    Heinz E. Lehmann, MD

    Brain & Mind, Brain & Mind

    As a pioneer in psychiatric clinical investigation, Dr. Heinz Lehmann was at the forefront of the movement that turned psychiatric hospitals from…

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    Henry J.M. Barnett, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Blood, Brain & Mind

    Dr. Henry Barnett's boundless curiosity and desire for evidence-based knowledge resulted in an outstanding career in investigative medicine that…

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    Charles Drake, MD

    Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training

    Dr. Charles Drake devoted his life to improving the care of brain aneurysms in Canada. Throughout his distinguished career, he established a…

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