Meet our Laureates

Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments.  Pioneers in their field, they are role models of excellence in health in Canada and the world.
Heart & Vessels
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    Jean-Lucien Rouleau, MD

    Patient Care, Leadership in Organizational Development, Heart & Vessels, Health and Medical Education & Training

    Renowned cardiologist instrumental in developing life-saving medication sacubitril/valsartan for treatment of chronic heart failure.

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    Naranjan S. Dhalla, PhD

    Global Health, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training, Heart & Vessels

    For several decades, as Secretary General and President of ISHR, Dr. Dhalla has worked to internationalize research in basic cardiovascular…

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    Adolfo de Bold, PhD

    Heart & Vessels, Hormones

    Dr. Adolfo de Bold was an exemplary scientist whose study of the storage granules in atrial heart cells forever changed our understanding of how…

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    Salim Yusuf, MBBS DPhil

    Global Health, Heart & Vessels, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials

    Dr. Salim Yusuf is an internationally renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist whose work over 35 years has substantially…

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    The Honourable Wilbert Keon, MD

    Heart & Vessels, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health Policy

    Dr. Wilbert J. Keon was an exemplary Canadian and world-revered cardiac surgeon. He was regarded by colleagues as an icon and by patients as the…

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    John Evans, MD DPhil

    Heart & Vessels, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training, Global Health, Health Policy

    Dr. John Evans was a man of boundless energy who made important contributions to many aspects of Canadian and global health. In particular, as the…

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    Wilfred G. Bigelow, MD

    Heart & Vessels, Heart & Vessels, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Leadership in Organizational Development

    Considered a radical and dangerous idea at the time, Dr. Bigelow’s strategic use of hypothermia paved the way for the first successful open heart…

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    William T. Mustard, MD

    Heart & Vessels, Skin, Bones, Muscles & Joints

    William T. Mustard built a reputation as one of Canada’s great surgical pioneers and was instrumental in advancing the orthopaedic and cardiac…

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    Maude Abbott, MD

    The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Women in Medicine, Heart & Vessels

    Dr. Maude Elizabeth Seymour Abbott was a pioneer in cardiology and helped lay the foundation for many more women to enter the field of medicine in…

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