Meet our Laureates

Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments.  Pioneers in their field, they are role models of excellence in health in Canada and the world.
Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials
Patient Care
Cells, Genetics & Genomics
Brain & Mind
Heart & Vessels
Skin, Bones, Muscles & Joints
Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity
Genitourinary Tract
Female Reproduction
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Are you interested in which Laureates relate to a specific disease, or specialty?

    Daniel J. Drucker, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Hormones, Digestion

    Revealed the potential for gut hormones to achieve dramatic clinical outcomes in the treatment of life-limiting and life-threatening metabolic and…

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    Jonathan L. Meakins, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Patient Care, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity

    Demonstrated the relationship between weakened immune responses and poor surgical outcomes, leading to significant improvements in assessment and…

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    Gordon Guyatt, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Patient Care

    Gordon Guyatt is among the earliest and most effective champions of the transformative advance in health care known as Evidence-Based Medicine …

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    Salim Yusuf, MBBS DPhil

    Global Health, Heart & Vessels, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials

    Dr. Salim Yusuf is an internationally renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist whose work over 35 years has substantially…

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    John J.R. Macleod, MB ChB

    Diabetes, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Diabetes

    Playing a vital – though often neglected – role in the discovery of insulin, and making a world-class, history-making…

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    Ronald Melzack, PhD

    Brain & Mind, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials

    Dr. Ronald Melzack revolutionized the study and treatment of pain. His pioneering theories in pain mechanisms and pain control spanning over a…

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    David Sackett, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Health and Medical Education & Training

    A clinical epidemiologist, Dr. David Sackett joined the new school of medicine at McMaster University in the 1960s. His ideas would dramatically…

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    Henry J.M. Barnett, MD

    Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Blood, Brain & Mind

    Dr. Henry Barnett's boundless curiosity and desire for evidence-based knowledge resulted in an outstanding career in investigative medicine that…

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