Meet our Laureates

Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments.  Pioneers in their field, they are role models of excellence in health in Canada and the world.
Health & Humanities
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    Jacalyn Duffin, MD PhD

    Health & Humanities, Health and Medical Education & Training, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Women in Medicine, Blood

    A hematologist and historian, Dr. Duffin has made enduring contributions to medical research and education that deepen our historical…

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    Richard B. Goldbloom, MD

    Patient Care, Health & Humanities

    Scholar, scientist, and administrator, Richard Goldbloom devoted his life to improving the lives of children.

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    Michael Bliss, PhD

    Health & Humanities, Health and Medical Education & Training

    One of Canada’s eminent medical historians, Michael Bliss chronicled Canada’s heritage of medical research, health care, and scientific…

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    T. Jock Murray, MD

    Brain & Mind, Brain & Mind, Health & Humanities, Health and Medical Education & Training, Leadership in Organizational Development

    Accomplished clinician, academic and leader, Dr. Jock Murray has profoundly impacted the field of multiple sclerosis and advanced the inclusion of…

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