Are you interested in which Laureates relate to a specific disease, or specialty?
Allison McGeer, MD
Women in Medicine, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Health Policy
Improved research-led policy to combat bacterial and viral infections
Sir Thomas Roddick, MD
Building our health organizations and systems, Health Policy
Transformed Canadian medicine by standardizing education and care
Catherine Hankins, MD PhD
Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Global Health, Women in Medicine, Health Policy, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Leadership in Organizational Development
Advanced community medicine with fair research practices and a focus on those in need
Stephen Blizzard, MD
Health Policy, Leadership in Organizational Development, Patient Care
A first-generation Black Canadian, and with the integral work and support of his wife Merle, Dr. Blizzard overcame systemic racism to become a…
Noralou P. Roos, PhD
Health Policy, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Women in Medicine
Unlocked the potential of big data systems analysis to clarify the social determinants of health helping inform effective policies in support of…
Rémi Quirion, PhD
Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health Policy
Scientist-administrators like Dr. Quirion help ensure that great projects of science, grounded in basic research, will continue to generate social…
Justice Emmett Hall
Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Health Policy
When the Canadian government wanted to explore the feasibility of a national health insurance program. Justice Emmett Hall championed the cause…
Sir Charles Tupper, MD
Patient Care, Leadership in Organizational Development, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Health Policy
After 13 years as a practicing physician, Sir Charles Tupper turned his sights to political service and rose to become the only physician to…
David Naylor, MD DPhil
Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health Policy
Accomplished physician-scientist C. David Naylor is broadly recognized for his visionary and extensive contributions to health research, education…