Are you interested in which Laureates relate to a specific disease, or specialty?
Jonathan L. Meakins, MD
Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Patient Care, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity
Demonstrated the relationship between weakened immune responses and poor surgical outcomes, leading to significant improvements in assessment and…
Venerable Jeanne Mance
Women in Medicine, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Patient Care, Leadership in Organizational Development
When Jeanne Mance arrived at Ville-Marie in 1642, she immediately began her tireless work to establish the community’s first hospital. Overcoming…
Emily Stowe, MD
The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Health and Medical Education & Training, Women in Medicine
Dr. Emily Stowe ranks as a true pioneer. She was the first female public school principal in Ontario, the first female physician to practise…
Sir Charles Tupper, MD
Patient Care, Leadership in Organizational Development, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Health Policy
After 13 years as a practicing physician, Sir Charles Tupper turned his sights to political service and rose to become the only physician to…
John McCrae, MD
Patient Care, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers
John McCrae was an accomplished military medical clinician, leader and the famous author of “In Flanders’s Fields".
Armand Frappier, MD
Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunity, Leadership in Organizational Development, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers
A moving force, a trailblazer, a visionary. These are some of the many accolades used to describe Dr. Armand Frappier, the founder of the first…
Alan C. Burton, PhD
Health and Medical Education & Training, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers
Dr. Alan C. Burton creatively pioneered the intersection of physics and biology at a time when few imagined connecting the fields. As a result, Dr…
M. Vera Peters, MD
Cancer, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Women in Medicine
Dr. Mildred Vera Peters is most notably recognized as an outstanding clinical investigator who changed the management of Hodgkin’s disease and…
Elizabeth Bagshaw, MD
The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Public Health, Health Promotion & Advocacy, Women in Medicine, Female Reproduction, Patient Care, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw’s devotion to women’s health is a treasured part of our nation’s medical heritage. As one of the early pioneers of women in…