Are you interested in which Laureates relate to a specific disease, or specialty?
Naranjan S. Dhalla, PhD
Global Health, Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & Training, Heart & Vessels
For several decades, as Secretary General and President of ISHR, Dr. Dhalla has worked to internationalize research in basic cardiovascular…
Adolfo de Bold, PhD
Dr. Adolfo de Bold was an exemplary scientist whose study of the storage granules in atrial heart cells forever changed our understanding of how…
Salim Yusuf, MBBS DPhil
Global Health, Heart & Vessels, Evidence-based Medicine & Clinical Trials, Health and Medical Education & Training
Dr. Salim Yusuf is an internationally renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist whose work over 35 years has substantially…
Wilfred G. Bigelow, MD
Heart & Vessels, The Early Days - Health Care Pioneers, Leadership in Organizational Development
Considered a radical and dangerous idea at the time, Dr. Bigelow’s strategic use of hypothermia paved the way for the first successful open heart…