Six outstanding Canadians will be inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame on June 17, 2022, at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Ontario. Hosted in association with The University of Ottawa, esteemed health, academic and business leaders from across the country will gather to honour these outstanding individuals. Mona Nemer, CM CQ PhD FRSC, Chief Science Advisor of Canada, will serve as the Master of Ceremonies.
"The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame is proud to welcome these six individuals whose outstanding contributions to health have made Canada, and the world, a better place," said Dr. Orovan. "Their impact is well documented, and they have earned their place alongside our 143 Laureates.” The new CMHF Laureates are:
Sir John Bell, GBE BMBCh DM FRS FMedSci | Oxford, United Kingdom
Pioneered advances in the era of translation research, bringing ground-breaking laboratory discoveries into the world of practical medicine.
The Late Thomas A. Dignan, CM OOnt MD BScN | Thunder Bay, Ontario
Dedicated his life to improving the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, creating safe spaces for systemic change and mentorship.
Daniel Drucker, OC MD FRS FRCPC | Toronto, Ontario
Revealed the potential for gut hormones to achieve dramatic clinical outcomes in the treatment of life-limiting and life-threatening metabolic and intestinal disorders.
David J.A. Jenkins, OC DM DPhil DSc FRCPC FRSC FCAHS | Toronto, Ontario
Invented the glycemic index to classify carbohydrates and their effects on blood glucose levels, associated with the incidence of diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease mortality.
Jonathan L. Meakins, OC MD DSc FRCSC FACS | Montreal, Quebec
Advanced safe and effective surgical technologies and demonstrated the relationship between weakened immune responses and poor surgical outcomes leading to significant improvements in clinical assessment and nutritional support for surgical patients worldwide.
Noralou P. Roos, OC PhD | Winnipeg, Manitoba
Unlocked the potential of big data systems analysis to clarify the social determinants of health helping inform effective policies in support of universal health care.
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Laureates are Canadian citizens whose outstanding leadership and contributions to medicine and the health sciences, in Canada or abroad, have led to extraordinary improvements in human health. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments. Pioneers in their field, they are role models who inspire young Canadians to pursue careers in the health sciences.
“As a national leader in medical, biomedical, and public health education, and a world-class research institution committed to social accountability, equity, diversity and inclusion, the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine is honoured to host this prestigious event celebrating leadership in advancing human health,” says Dr. Bernard Jasmin, dean of the uOttawa Faculty of Medicine. “We are excited to highlight the achievements of these individuals who share our vision of leading innovation for a healthier world.”
The 2022 Induction Ceremony is presented by the Canadian Medical Association with 50 medical and health science students sponsored to attend thanks to MD Financial Management Inc.
Detailed Bios & Photos How to Attend
The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) celebrates Canadian heroes whose work advances health in Canada and the world, and fosters future generations of health professionals through the delivery of local and national youth education programs and awards. This enduring tribute to our country’s rich medical history is showcased on our virtual hall online at and in an exhibit hall in London, ON.
The University of Ottawa is home to over 50,000 students, faculty and staff, who live, work and study in both French and English. Our campus is a crossroads of cultures and ideas, where bold minds come together to inspire game-changing ideas. We are one of Canada’s top 10 research universities—our professors and researchers explore new approaches to today’s challenges. One of a handful of Canadian universities ranked among the top 200 in the world, we attract exceptional thinkers and welcome diverse perspectives from across the globe.
For more information, contact:
Laura Neil, Director of Communications
About the CMHF
The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) celebrates Canadian heroes whose work advances health in Canada and the world, fostering future generations of health professionals through the delivery of local and national youth education programs and awards.
This enduring tribute to our country’s rich medical history is showcased here and in our physical exhibit hall in London, ON