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Filter our Laureates by specific diseases or specialties
Alphabetical list of our Laureates with links to their Laureate pages
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Understanding the body and disease process
Basic science research (sometimes called bench research) comprises disciplines such as molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, and pharmacology and focuses on determining the causal mechanisms behind the functioning of the human body in health and illness.
Improving health and patient outcomes
Excellence in patient care involves a wide variety of both medical and nonmedical factors including infrastructure, training, competence of personnel, efficiency of operational systems, patient engagement, access to care, clinical trials and collaboration – to name a few.
Building our health organizations and systems
Health care is a system comprising people, institutions & resources along with the training, policies, structure and organizational leadership that make it all happen.
Building our future
Through our educational programs, the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame fosters future generations of medical heroes. We encourage young people to learn more about Canada's rich medical history and to explore the exciting career options that are available to them in medicine and the health sciences.
A teacher or guidance counsellor (the Liaison) must register the school. This is an expression of interest to receive further information. It does not obligate you to have students attend, nor does it guarantee there will be space when students go online to register. The Liaison will receive student registration instructions when available, to pass along to those interested in participating.
When students go online to register, they will have the opportunity to select their own workshop from a catalogue of options. Workshop spaces are limited and first-come, first-served.
I will support and facilitate the registration of any students from my school who are interested in attending Discovery Day in Health Sciences.
J’appuierai et faciliterai l’inscription de tout élève de mon école qui s’intéresse à la Journée Découverte en sciences de la santé.