2013 INDUCTEE Antoine Hakim, MD PhD Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development
April 30, 1942
MD, Albany Medical College (1975)
PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1971)
2017: Robert Beamish Leadership Award
2017: Gairdner Wightman Award
See All AwardsAwards & Honours:
2017: Robert Beamish Leadership Award
2017: Gairdner Wightman Award
2012: Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
2011: Hans-Chiari Award presented to him in Vienna.
2010: Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Merit Award
2008: Dr. J. David Grimes Research Achievement Award, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
2007: Officer of the Order of Canada
2007: Thomas Willis Award (Lifetime Achievement), American Stroke Association
2004: Ottawa Life Science Council Career Achievement Award
2000: Award for Excellence, Canadian Stroke Consortium

Changed the face of stroke treatment and prevention in Canada

One of the world’s top neurologists and leader in stroke treatment
After obtaining his medical degree at the Albany Medical College in 1975, Dr. Hakim chose to focus his research on strokes, an unpopular area of study at the time. Completing his residency at the Montreal Neurological Institute and later becoming a professor at McGill University, he continued his stroke research using animal models that mimicked stroke conditions. Later, as Director of the Imaging facility at the Montreal Neurological Institute, he and his colleagues studied patients at various stages of their stroke. Through his work and study at McGill, Dr. Hakim has advanced understanding of the process and damage caused by strokes, which in turn has led to improved knowledge of the types of treatment needed for stroke patients and the crucial timing of such interventions. Later, as head of Neurology at the Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa, he put these ideas into practise through his leadership of the Canadian Stroke Network and its development of the Canadian Stroke Strategy.
Key Facts
Among the first researchers to use animal models to study stroke conditions
Developed key findings of a possible therapeutic window for stroke
Published more than 150 scientific papers and received an excess of $65 million in research funding
Led in the creation of the Canadian Stroke Network and championed the Canadian Stroke Strategy
Professional timeline
Impact on lives today
As a pioneer in the fight against stroke, Dr. Hakim has changed stroke from a hopeless disease to a condition for which physicians have effective methods to mitigate its effects. Moreover, his collaborative development of a nation-wide Canada Stroke Strategy and the publication of Best Practices for Stroke Care have not only raised awareness of stroke across the country, but also impacted patient well-being. From 2006 to 2011, Ontario saw referrals to stroke prevention clinics increase by 34% and stroke patient admissions decrease by 11%.

Launched Dementia-Prevention.ca
Alongside fellow researchers at the University of Ottawa’s Brain and Mind Research Institute (uOBMRI), Dr. Hakim developed a go-to web resource to educate the public about dementia prevention.
Continued his public health outreach with his book - Save Your Mind: Seven Rules to Avoid Dementia -
This practical and informative book emphasizes actions individuals and societies can take to reduce the risk of dementia.
Antoine Hakim inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario announced an annual research grant of $100,000 to be named the “Dr. Tony Hakim Innovative Stroke Research Award
Dr. Hakim began his term as Chair of the European Stroke Network’s External Scientific Review Committee and Chair of the Best Practice Guidelines Subcommittee of the World Stroke Organization.
Leadership in Organizational Development -
Along with colleagues, Dr. Tony Hakim published the first “Canadian Best Practice Recommendation for Stroke Care.” It was updated in 2008, 2010, and again in 2012.
Brain & Mind -
Under the leadership of Dr. Hakim, the CSN developed the Canadian Stroke Strategy
Leadership in Organizational Development, Brain & MindThis is aimed at closing the gap between what was known to be effective in stroke prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation and what was actually done in practice.
Dr. Hakim extended his influence and leadership on an international scale when he helped develop the European Stroke Network.
Leadership in Organizational Development, Brain & Mind -
Dr. Hakim led a successful grant application that resulted in the creation of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery
Leadership in Organizational Development -
After taking a leadership role in founding the Canadian Stroke Network, Dr. Antoine Hakim became its CEO and scientific director
Leadership in Organizational Development, Brain & MindThe CSN gathers researchers, clinical and healthcare workers in partnership with universities, governments and non-profit organizations to alleviate the burden of strokes.
Dr. Hakim moved to the nation’s capital where he became chair of the University of Ottawa’s Neurology Department and the director of the university’s newly established Neuroscience Research Institute
Leadership in Organizational Development, Health and Medical Education & TrainingAt the Institute, he successfully recruited many talented young researchers and clinical investigators by offering an attractive balance of clinical application and research.
Began his medical career as a resident in Neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute
Brain & MindHe later joined the faculty at McGill University.
He is a tireless, focused researcher.