Improving health and patient outcomes Brain & Mind

The brain is the central processing unit of the body and plays a key role in translating the content of the mind (your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, memories and imagination) into complex patterns of nerve cell firing and chemical release. It is responsible for movements of all parts of our bodies, from our first steps to the fine movements of our hands to the smiles on our faces.

EEG Test MRI scan
  1. 1942

    After receiving his master’s degree in physiology at McGill University, William Feindel made a contribution to Canada’s war effort

  2. 1950

  3. 1950s

    Henry Barnett described a new clinical syndrome: post-traumatic syringomyelia

  4. 1952

    Alongside his colleague, Dr. Herbert Jasper, Penfield refined a surgical technique named the “Montreal Procedure”

  5. 1950s

    While developing the Montreal Procedure, Penfield was able to create functional maps of the brain

  6. 1953

    Dr. Heinz Lehmann initiated the first North American trial of a drug that would forever change the treatment for mental illness around the world

  7. 1955

    Dr. Feindel became the first Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Saskatoon

  8. 1957

    Following the success of chlorpromazine, Dr. Lehmann made another ground-breaking discovery

  9. 1958

    Charles Drake perfected a surgical treatment for basilar aneurysms

  10. 1960

  11. 1961

    Dr. Drake published the first results of his successful treatment of basilar aneurysms

  12. 1964

    William Feindel wrote extensively on topics of medical history

  13. 1965

    Along with Dr. Patrick Wall, Dr. Ronald Melzack proposed the Gate Control Theory of Pain

  14. 1967

    A rising star in the field of neurology, Henry Barnett established the Department of Neuroscience at Sunnybrook Hospital

  15. 1969

    With his close friend Dr. Charles Drake, Henry Barnett was the founding Chief of the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences at University Hospital (London) and The University of Western Ontario

  16. 1970

  17. 1970s

    Dr. Barnett began to study the effectiveness of extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery

  18. 1973

    Dr. Tator demonstrated that post-traumatic ischemia is a major second injury mechanism after experimental spinal cord injury

  19. 1973

    The Montreal Neurological Institute installed Canada’s first CT scanner

  20. 1973

    Throughout Dr. Lehmann's career, he worked to remove the stigma around mental illness by humanizing the person behind the illness

  21. 1975

    While at McGill, Dr. Albert Aguayo began to demonstrate that it was possible to restore severed neural pathways and connections in the central nervous system of mammals

  22. 1976

    Henry Barnett conducted the first randomized trial to show that aspirin prevents stroke

  23. 1978

    Dr. Tator developed one of the first experimental models of spinal cord injury in small laboratory animals

  24. 1979

    The Douglas Hospital Research Centre was established and Dr. Lehmann served as the first chairman of the Centre’s board

  25. 1980

  26. 1989

    Dr. Melzack’s fascination with phantom limb pain led to a publication in 1989 of the “neuromatrix theory of pain”

  27. 1989

    Dr. Tator was appointed chair of the division of neurosurgery at the University of Toronto

  28. 1990

  29. 1990s

    Dr. Barnett began work with the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET)

  30. 1999

    After taking a leadership role in founding the Canadian Stroke Network, Dr. Antoine Hakim became its CEO and scientific director

  31. 2000

  32. 2002

    The Canadian Brain and Nerve Health Coalition was established

  33. 2006

    Along with colleagues, Dr. Tony Hakim published the first “Canadian Best Practice Recommendation for Stroke Care.” It was updated in 2008, 2010, and again in 2012.

  34. 2010

  35. 2020

About the CMHF

The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) celebrates Canadian heroes whose work advances health in Canada and the world, fostering future generations of health professionals through the delivery of local and national youth education programs and awards.

This enduring tribute to our country’s rich medical history is showcased here and in our physical exhibit hall in London, ON