
January 9, 1955

(Lac-Drolet, Québec)


PhD, University of Sherbrooke (1980)

Awards & Honours:

2015: Officer of Ordre des Palmes Académiques, France

2007: Officer of the Order of Canada

See All Awards
Picture of Dr. Remi Quirion

Renowned Neuroscientist and Quebec’s first chief scientist

A leader in neuroscience research and advocate for scientific knowledge in policy development

A leader in neuroscience research and advocate for scientific knowledge in policy development

Dr. Quirion began his career with a PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Sherbrooke with a thesis focused on the role of neurotensin in cardiovascular and brain diseases. He then pursued postdoctoral training at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD working on the mechanism of action of drugs of abuse including phencyclidine and opiates, and neuropeptides in the brain. He moved to the Department of Psychiatry at McGill and soon began development of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DHRC), which earned international recognition for research on Alzheimer’s disease and neuropeptide physiology as it relates to mental disorders. In addition to his scientific research, the Quebec government named him Chief Scientist of Quebec.

Key Facts

Pursued training at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD working on the mechanism of action of drugs of abuse including phencyclidine and opiates, and neuropeptides in the brain

With over 750 publications, Dr. Quirion is one of the world’s most frequently cited neuroscientists

Has trained almost a hundred graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, helping to build and nurture the next generation of young scientists

Recipient of many national and international honours for his scientific and administrative contributions

Professional timeline

Impact on lives today

The scientific research of Dr. Quirion will have a lasting impact on the field of mental health research. His work at DHRC has revealed important insights about the nature of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, memory, and pain tolerance. Moreover, scientist-administrators like Dr. Quirion help ensure that great projects of science will continue to generate social and economic benefits for Canada and the world.

Picture of Remi Quirion


  • Rémi Quirion Induction

    Rémi Quirion inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

    Montreal, Quebec

  • Quirion Quebec Chief Scientist

    Dr. Quirion became the first Chief Scientist of Quebec

    Health Policy, Leadership in Organizational Development

    In this role he advises the Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation on research and scientific development issues.

  • Dr. Quirion became the Executive Director of the CIHR International Collaborative Research Strategy for Alzheimer’s disease

  • The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) appointed Dr. Quirion as the first Science Director for the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), one of Canada’s 13 health research institutes

    Brain & Mind, Health Policy, Leadership in Organizational Development

  • Dr. Quirion is appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy

  • The Neuroscience Division of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre was formed with Dr. Quirion serving as its first scientific director

    Brain & Mind, Leadership in Organizational Development

    It has now earned international recognition for research on Alzheimer’s disease and neuropeptide.


He has an incredible energy which is very contagious.